22 Febrero 2016
This week has been a little different from the usual. There were re-elections in Bolivia to change the government and it was quite heated for a few of the days. We were stuck in the house doing nothing... or finding things to do ;D
We are teaching AMAZING people right now! I honestly love the people here! Two of the people that we are teaching right now are Stefany and Katia.
Stefany is a miracle! Her friend brought her to a church activity to see the movie ´Meet the Mormons´. The first time that we talked to her she told us all about how she is part of another church but never felt full going there. And how, when she when to the church and saw the movie and then when to church the next Sunday, she felt full and that it just touched her heart. The first time that she came to church she stood up to introduce herself in one of the classes and she talked about how she loves how she feels in the church and after learning more she would like to be baptized! So GREAT!
And then there is Katia. She is going through so many hard times right now. She is pregnant and has 2 other kids (ages 14 and 4) and her husband left her. Right now she is struggling and works super hard trying to make ends meet, but she is so open to the love of God and the plan that He has for her. I love her so much and want the best for her. I can only imagine Heavenly Father and how much He loves her and what blessings He is saving for her in the heavens.
This week I have learned a lot more about the love of God for all of us. It is free. it is unconditional and it is perfect. For every single one of us it is available and ready. We just have to reach out to receive it. There are times where it is hard in this life to feel of His love, but I KNOW that He loves every single one of us and wants the best for us. He loves us so much that at times He watches us go through hard times because He knows that we can become better and rely more on Him through these experiences. His love is there for you and for me and for everyone that surrounds us. We just have to be ready and waiting to receive it.
I love you all and wish you the best this week!
Hermana Mather
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